Adding value to create holistic independent learners.

An entity of timeless passion to add values for self, family & society.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Take Charge of Your Career!

Dear Parents and Coachees,

Many of us will or have encountered moments when we stand at a crossroad, not knowing the right path to
choose in making the right career choice.

These recurring moments begin from our early days in school.

More often than not, one usually follows the path and opinion of the masses, ignoring the need to understand and uncover one’s talent and passion. The choice taken is based on being afraid that the opinion of a contrarian will often invite criticisms.

Being at a crossroad is a common moment to many. In this year’s final issue of The Learning Exchange, it will enlighten you on the Myself aspect of the Holistic Competency Framework. The importance of career coaching is delved into with the accompaniment of career coaching courses.

As the year draws to its close, Learning Gateway wishes to end the chapter for 2009

Take charge of your career!
Be what you want to be.
And be the best in what you want to be that benefits you and society!”

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Warmest regards,
The Learning Coach

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