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Friday, February 15, 2013

Into the Heart of Borneo

Into the Heart of Borneo

Imagine that you are James. Write an entry in your journal, intended to be read by members of your family when you get home. 

 In your journal entry you should:

  • Explain how you feel in this environment 
  • Comment on your relationship with Redmond
  • Express your thoughts about the next few days of this adventure

The relationship I have with Redmond is the kind that one will have with a co-worker; we simply do not have anything in common. Redmond seems to be more cheerful unlike my more quiet and collective behavior. It will not need a genius to know that we do not get along well. The next few days of this adventure will probably be interesting given the exotic wildlife that lives here. My relationship with Redmond may get better to us becoming more like friends than co-workers since he is the only other human contact that I have in this adventure. I have a feeling that the experience in the wildlife will inspire me in my poetry writing because the environment evokes me with a variety of ideas and emotions.  I feel uneasy of all the gigantic insects crawling underneath my clothing. During the walk, I feel like I am being watched by the wildlife in the jungle with their curious eyes. I feel vulnerable being out there in the open in a small boat where predators can easily attack and eat me up. 

Adam Taza
Nexus International School

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