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Friday, August 23, 2013


Is there any point in working hard to gain academic qualification when so many people now become rich and famous without them, or buy fake ones?

Academic qualifications is about having a qualification in a particular field conferred and recognised by a university or college authority. Sometimes it is also called as 'paper chase' meaning to have as many academic certifications as possible. There are many ways to obtain academic qualifications like attending class, private tutoring and self-teaching.

Academic qualification is important because it is needed to be able to qualify one for high paying jobs. It is recognised by society as an indicator of where one on the social ladder and it is commonly used as a scale of one's success or failure in life. However, it should not be used this way. People should not have to study for a qualification in order to lead a comfortable life. Parents should not push their kids too hard into getting excellent grades just so they can get into world class universities. Many hold the opinion that academic qualification is important.

An academic qualification is a certificate that shows that the person has a deep understanding of the subject. However it does not reflect the person's actual ability to apply the theory learned in real situations. Nowadays, there are many people who have many academic qualification but are either bought or were taken by their friends in their name.

    People buy fake academic qualifications so the they can get better paying jobs. They are also used by businessmen so that they can charge their customers more. According to the Huffington Post, three universities of district columbia's professors hold degrees that are from 'diploma mills'. Some received their diplomas from Commonwealth Open University, a non-accredited school that accepts most people to it online program without verifying backgrounds and doles out advanced diplomas in exchange for academic requirements that barely scratch the surface of accredited programs' requirements.

     People can become rich and famous without academic qualification by working on other area that do not require any academic qualification to get a job like music, art or drama. Bill Gates, the person who built Microsoft and John Hardy, Who built the Green School in Bali both did not have any academic qualifications. On the contrary bio chemisT, Dr Cal Minnjie failed to get another research position after losing his job last year. Now he is a taxi driver due to oversupply of graduates in his field. Stanford University, a top institution that has seen five of its faculty members or former students received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.

     In conclusion, of the evidences above, I believe that academic qualification is not important to become rich and famous. Many people who are now rich and famous hold no high academic qualification. Hence academic qualification is not a guarantee to one success in life.

Written by,

Adam Taza

Nexus International School

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