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Friday, September 20, 2013

Persuasive Writing: One TV-free Day Each Week

30 May, 2011

Dear Parents,

The teachers in Valley Public School would like to recommend that families turn off their televisions for one day every week. For the whole week, you and family have been watching television programs and are very much addicted to them.

          It is good for children to have a break from watching television programs because it can lead to poor eyesight.Their tendency to sit near the screen causes them to put on spectacles much earlier than needed. The effects on children do not stop at short-sightedness.They can also grow fat.The children will get fat because they chomp down lots of junk food.They lose control on their consumption of junk food as they are engrossed watching the television programs. Instead of watching television programs, children can read a library of books, get in touch with friends or hit the sack. Playing outdoor activities such as swimming, jogging and rock climbing are better alternatives that prevent short-sightedness and putting on weight. Looking at greeneries will help to relax the eye muscles. Walking to the library help to shed some fats. Jogging and rock climbing will enable one to meet and interact with health-conscious people.

          Family bonding can be weaved in simply by going to the Science Center, museum and grandparents' place together. By doing so, members of the family will have the opportunity to interact with one another instead of spending time in isolation.

          In conclusion, as children may not be mature enough to analyse how the negative effects of watching too much television suppresses the benefits of engaging in more beneficial activities, it is thus, the responsibility of adults to control the amout of time children spend on watching television. With a better control, children can lead a healthier lifestyle.

Written by: Qi Jing
SJK(C) Yuk Chai 

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