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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Journal Entry: A Trip To Egypt

16 December 2010
                   I have packed many clothes for my stay in Egypt for a week. I am going to Egypt with my parents, sister, uncle, aunty and cousin.
                   The airplane that we are going to take to Egypt is called Emirates. The flight is going to take us six hours to arrive in Egypt. Our departure will be in the morning on 18th December. I am so excited as it is going to be my first trip to Egypt.

19 December 2010
                   I have just taken my breakfast together with my family. We had omelette, salad, fish, chicken and pasta. We were also served with local food too. It was delicious.
                   The first place that we are going to visit is the Great Pyramid of Giza. We are waiting for our tour guide to take us there now.
                   Wow! What a beautiful sight. I am now back on board the bus from my tour of the pyramids. The Great Pyramid Of Giza is very huge. Our tour guide said that it was built by moving stones from a quarry and arranging them into place. We wanted to go into the The Great Pyramid Of Giza but unfortunately we were not allowed to. We also discovered that many mummies fell into the sea. The choppy waves caused the mummies to be thrown off the ship and fell into the sea. 
                    The second place we visited today was the Wahiba Sands. We drove in the desert on a four-wheeled drive . The driver was very skillful. When we alighted from the car, we played with the sand. It was so smooth and fine. I laid down on the sand and wrote my name on it but it was swept off by the wind . We ate dinner in a tent in the desert. While dining, we were entertained by a belly dancing performance. We bought some unique souvenirs from a shop in the middle of the desert. It was a glass bottle filled with layers of colourful sand.
20 December 2010
                   We went to Dubai to see some camels. It took more than 3 hours to reach Dubai by plane. The camels were really tall and scary but they are also cute because their eyes are quite big. I rode on one of the camels. It was really scary because I felt like as though I would be thrown off its back if I lose my balance while it moves. I almost cried.
                    Then, we visited the Egyptian Museum. I saw gold bars and bangles of the Pharoahs, Mummies and more. I saw many animal mummies like the body of the dogs and cats. I saw many mummies like the body Tutankhamun, Amenemope, Sneferu and more. We visited Abu Simbel Temples. It was carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharoah Ramesses II in the 13th Century BCE, We took pictures of the temples. In the Abu Simbel Temples, there were drawings carved on the walls. 
                     After visiting the temples, we took the cruise in the Nile River. It is going to be a cruise. The name of the cruise is called Superstar Libra.  My parents told me that in the Nile River, there are lots of crocodiles. I am writing my journal in my room of the three days. The interior of the ship is very beautiful. There are two beds in my room. My parents will sleep on the beds while my sister and I will sleep on the sofa. 
                     On the cruise, there are many board games to play with like Scrabble. I played with the other tour members after dinner. It was fun. I am as happy as a lark. The cruise serves a formal dinner in a fine dining set up. We had to wear formal wear. I wore an evening dress. They serve many types of food on the ship like prawns, chicken, salads, pasta and more.

22 December 2010
                    I jogged in the morning with my mother around the ship while my father walked around it. My sister was still in the room sleeping. After jogging around the ship, I roller skated. After sweating it all out, I bathed and washed my hair. Then I used a hair dryer to dry my hair. 
                    Then I played in the cruise's arcade with my cousin. There were many games to play with. I am having a wonderful time while my father is seasick. He has been in bed most of the time. He complains about having to vomit many times and of him having a bad headache. Luckily there is a small pharmacy on board the cruise. My mother and I bought him some medicine. Hope he gets better after taking the medicine.
                    We had lunch on the ship. The food was incredibly delicious. My favourite was their steam fish with sweet and sour sauce. After lunch, I headed to a mini golf course. I did not play but I enjoyed myself watching others play golf. then I proceeded to a gift shop to buys some souvenirs for my relatives and friends. We bought a red handbag for my grandmother, shirts for my uncle and cousins and a necklace for my aunty. My mother bought me a scarf with teddy bear prints on it.
                    There is a library on the ship. I went to the library with my sister and cousin. After having my dinner, we watched a show on the ship. It was a dance performance and magic show. We were very much entertained. I had an enjoyable time.  

23 December 2010 
                    It is our last day in Egypt. I am really sad but excited to go back to Malaysia. I miss my relatives back in Malaysia. We packed our bags and checked out. We alighted from the ship. We went to the airport by taxi and took Emirates to go back to Malaysia. The one thing I really like about Emirates is, we can watch movies and play games on the inflight entertainment. I had a great experience in Egypt. I wish to come back again soon. 

Joyce Tan Hsin Yi
Sri KDU International School 

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