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Monday, October 7, 2013

The Importance of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

The Importance of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

          Everyone should reduce, reuse and recycle unwanted things because it is everyone's responsibility to help keep the Earth clean. 'Reduce' means lessen the amount of rubbish.
'Reuse' means using something over and over again. Finally, 'recycle' means changing the material into something new that can be used. Glass, steel, metal cans and papers can be recycled. However, plastic is not biodegradable. 'Biodegradable' means the substances will break down within a reasonable amount of time without harming the Earth. That is why grocery stores encourage their customers to bring their own shopping bags.

          We recycle glass because glass is a useful material. Glass can be melted and turned into jars, bottles and vases. In Africa, recycled glasses are turned into beads which are used for accessories. Glassworkers turn used glass into stained glass. Glass can be reused by turning it into a rolling pin as it does not stick to the dough. 

           Papers can be reused by using them to make paper màche pinata. The papers can be recycled to turn them into cardboards or recycled writing pads.

          Plastic soda bottles can be reused by turning them into a juicer through this method:
  • Cut the bottom of a soda bottle
  • Use it to squeeze fresh orange juice and lemonade
Through this way, we are not only helping the Earth but also saving our money because a plastic juicer costs around $5 while an electric juicer costs around $200. We can also reuse plastic bottles by putting colourful lights in the bottles and hang them on a Christmas tree. In this way, we save $25 for Christmas tree decorations. Recycling plastic bags are encouraged rather than throwing or burying them in the ground. The fishes in the ocean can suffocate if they get trapped in the plastic bags. The fishes could eat the pieces of plastic and die. Fish turtles and flocks of birds tend to die after accidentally eating too much plastic.

          Recycling bins are segregated according to plastic, papers, aluminium and glass. This helps recycling process to be made easier. Sometimes we burn rubbish and it creates air pollution causing us to cough. Through reuse, reduce and recycle the joy shared is twice the joy. Sorrow shared is half the sorrow.  
Polluted rivers are common in Indonesia, India, Russia and Argetina. No man is an island, If we have a problem we should come together and solve the problem. Forest of trees are being cut down because people need paper and furniture. When too many trees are being cut down, the animals will be as dead as a dodo.  Animals should be as free as a bird
          When there is too much litter, we must clear it up at the drop of the hat. By getting ourselves involved in reuse, reduce and recycle then we will have a happy and healthy planet to live on. 

Written by: Laticea
Nexus International School
Year 7

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