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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cleaning The Beach

           The people in my are planing to clean a beach nearby. It is called Marble Beach, Penang. Both adults and children are helping out. My neighbour, Stella, was the one who came out with the idea because she always visits the beach and is often disappointed with the dirtiness. She wants to make the environment more beautiful and attractive.
          The beach event was at 8 o'clock in the morning on Saturday, 12th of October. It took us twenty minutes to arrive at the beach. The beach smelled like a dead cat. It was as dirty as a pig. The air was as dry as a biscuit. I could hear the sounds of the waves crashing against the beach. There were heaps of rubbish everywhere. The sea water was milky with various sorts of litter floating on it. There were dead fishes, plastic bags, empty cans, wrapping paper and twigs everywhere.

           We used rakes, gloves and big fish nets to clean the beach. We wore masks because the air was stinky. We put the rubbish into big black plastic bags and tied them up to throw at the rubbish centre. Using rakes to rake in dry leaves and twigs was very easy, making the task to complete quickly. Some of us used gloves to pick up the rubbish like empty cans and wrapping papers so that we can prevent cuts from sharp objects. We placed the papers and empty cans into the recycling bins. The fish nets made it easy for cleaning up the rubbish from the surface of the sea.

            We took hours cleaning the beach. However, The beach looked as beautiful as rose petals after it was cleaned. The terrible smell went away. The sea water was not milky anymore. The beach will attract more people and less sea creatures will die.

            Before we left, we put a signage to remind the public to keep the beach clean. We were tired but went home feeling happy and satisfied with our hard work.

 Joyce Tan Hsin Yi
Sri KDU International School 

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