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Monday, November 18, 2013

Persuasive Writing: Stop Eating Junk Food!

          It is one's responsibility to take care of one's own health. Lots of people fall sick easily because a man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools. Good health is above wealth because if one is not healthy, one cannot work and if one cannot work, one cannot earn money. One should start taking care of one's health, from young.

          Food sellers sell junk food because they can get more money compared to selling healthy food. People like to eat junk food because it is tasty and colourful. Children like junk food because of the promise of a toy that comes with the meal packages and a playground next to the restaurant. According to TheNational, children have an immediate effect on fast food.

          Junk food can be as cheap as dirt but sometimes it can also cost an arm and a leg. With $20, one can buy: strawberries, oranges juice, meatless burgers, ground beef, cashew nuts, potatoes and mix vegetables. However, many tend to spend the same amount on junk food like four Whooper Combo Meals. Also with $20, one prefers to buy a piece of pizza instead of healthy snacks like crackers, turkey and muesli bars. Some other examples of junk food are fried chicken, burgers and french fries.

          Junk food is largely sold in supermarkets, restaurants and school. Everyone needs to get down to brass tracks by replacing unhealthy food with healthy meals. Here are some suggestions of healthy meals. Replace
sausages, waffles of pancakes with syrup with wholemeal toast and eggs for breakfast. Pita stuffed with tun
a salad and sweet potatoes is a healthy lunch meal to have instead of instant noodles. Baked chicken for dinner is fast and healthy to prepare for dinner instead of pizzas to fill the rumbling stomache. Snack away with fresh fruits and a glass of fruit juice instead of eating ice-cream or chips. Supper is not advisable because the food is not burnt up as one goes to sleep immediately after the meal. This adds on an extra layer of fats to the body.

          If one falls terribly ill, his or her body will be as skinny as a rake. Thus it is important to consume healthy meals. There are many benefits of eating healthy food such as; it prevents illnesses, reduces risks of cancer and promotes healthy growth to the body. A hastiness of cooks should use organic ingredients because not only that the food will taste better but is healthier. Rascals of boys who like to drink soft drinks that contain lots of sugar should drink more filtered water instead because soft drinks contain a high level of sugar. Teachers should advise classes of students to eat healthily so that the students can stay mentally alert and remain healthy.

          Healthy food keeps illness at bay. Prevention is better than cure.

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