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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Narrative Essay: If I Have A Million Dollars

Narrative Essay: If I Have a Million Dollars

       I have to work hard to earn millions of dollars because when there is a will there is a way. It will cost an arm and a leg to buy my dream mansion. I will buy six mansions so that I can go from one to another mansion. I will decorate my mansion with beautiful furniture. I want expensive furniture because it is of high quality and I do not need to change the furniture frequently as it will not be spoiled easily. The furniture will be gold-plated.

       The painters will paint the mansion white and gold for me. The colours will make the mansion look outstanding. The mansion will be on a hilltop because when it rains it will not flood. My garden will have a swimming pool, fountain and a big garden in the compound in the mansion.

          To be able to own such a mansion, I will want to be a lawyer and see a bench of judges. I will teach law to law faculty students on Sundays. I need to be as wise as an owl to earn a million dollars. By working hard, the mansion will be owned by me, Reagan.

         I will feel very happy because I get to live in my mansion with my family. I hope my wish will come true.

          For my dog, I will buy it a old kennel with a red roof, a gold bed and a red blanket for it to sleep in comfortably. The house will have six bedrooms. It has five floors and a lift. My parents, grandparents and aunt will live with me in the big and beautiful mansion.

        I will feel very happy because my family lives with me in the big and beautiful mansion. I hope my wish will come true.
Written by:
Reagan Ong Heng Wei
REAL International School

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