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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Descriptive Essay: Ice Skating

Inline image 1         I like ice skating. I like ice skating because it is fun. I go to the Royal Ice Skating Rink to skate.
Inline image 2 
I chose ice skating because I wanted to try something new. I skate in the ice skating rink. To skate I must wear a special pair of shoes. It looks like a normal pair of shoes but with a metal blade at the sole. I rent the shoes from the rental shop. I started learning how to skate when I was three years old. It took me two hours to learn how to balance myself on the slippery floor. On weekends, my mother pays RM25 for each lesson. The ice skating rink is as cold as ice. The floor is as white as snow and as hard as rock. The ice skating rink is as big as a whale. The rink is about 100 feet wide.                 

Inline image 5
Inline image 6It is very fun to skate with the other skaters and coaches especially with my coach, Coach Abraham. Someday I would like to participate in an ice skating contest. I will definitely be happy and proud of myself showing my skills in front of audience. I hope my dream will come true very soon.

Written by:
Reagan Ong Heng Wei
REAL International School

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