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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Literature, Julius Caesar: Does Caesar have any real impact on the action of the play? Before his death? After his death?


Julius Caesar
Does Caesar have any real impact on the action of the play? Before his death? After his death?

The play 'Julius Caesar' by William Shakespeare has been entitled in such a way for specific reasons- to show that Caesar is indeed the main character and that the play revolves around his development. The play portrays the many events that occur because of Caesar's characteristics and actions. Through the character development, it is clear that Caesar has deep impact on the story-line and that his characteristics can ultimately  be related to the themes of the play.

Caesar embodies the theme of fate and free will as he accepts the fact that certain things are beyond human control. His words "that man should fear;/ Seeing that death, a necessary end,/ will come when it come" acknowledges that some things, such as death, are fated and predetermined. However, Caesar ignores the many portents prior his assassination because he is ambitious and desperate to be crowned king. Had his arrogance not lead him to dismiss the omens, he would have been able to avoid his death and prevent Antony and Octavius rising to power. In short, the war between the conspirator and the triumvirs would not have occurred if the assassination at the senate wasn't a success.

Furthermore, the theme of public self versus private self also signifies Caesar's impact on the play. Caesar is a man who vitalized his public image. He confesses that his most personal concerns are his last priority when he refused Artemidorus' plea to speak with him while making way to the senate. His noble, powerful but proud image causes him to be strongly disliked by Cassius who plots his assassination. Flavius expresses: "(Caesar) soars above the view of man/ And keeps us all in servile fearfulness." His public image is even too hard for Brutus to handle, causing Brutus to shun the man who is also his close friend and kill Caesar, the imminent dictator. Thus, Caesar's proud personality has drastic effects on the progression of the play.

Moreover, Caesar's stubbornness can be related to the theme of inflexibility versus compromise as he refuses to heed to the ill omens. This can also serve as evidence to the theme of misinterpretations and misreadings. Caesar's arrogance and pride overthrows his ability to reason, causing him to misread the omens. Hence, Caesar's lack of humbleness had great impacts on the action of the play.

In addition, it is clear that Caesar's characteristics in the theme of rhetoric and power had great effects on the play. Antony's claiming of "when Caesar says 'Do this", it if performed" proves that Caesar is a strong and influential political leader. Even after his death, his spirit effects Cassius and Brutus as he appears to them in the form of a ghost. Prior Brutus' death, he speaks:"Caesar now be still:/ I kill'd not thee with half so good a will". Caesar's influence on Rome was in face so great, Antony seeks to keep as much of Caesar's legacy. 

This concludes that Caesar indeed had impact on the play even after his death.
In a nutshell, Caesar as the protagonist of the play had affected the play in terms of growth and progression. It is evidently shown that Caesar is a character with strong traits and personality, to the extent that it has great impact in the action of the play, before and after his death.

Celine Fong
SMK Aminuddin Baki
Literature private candidate

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