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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Narrative Essay: A Fire Breakout

Narrative Essay: A Fire Breakout

        Woofi was frying a fish in the kitchen Woofi  fried the fish in a wok filled with cooking  oil. Woofi  put too much oil in the wok. The cooking oil spilled on a piece of cloth. The piece of cloth was beside the flame on the stove. The piece of cloth caught the fire .

        Woofi saw the fire growing bigger and bigger on the stove. He had forgotten that there was a fire  extinguisher in the house. Woofi panicked because .the fire grew wilder. Woofi jumped out of the kitchen window. Woofi yelled loudly. Eeill heard Woofi's yell. Eeill took the fire extinguisher and put out the fire. The fire could spread wilder if left unattended. Eeill took ten minutes to put out the fire Eeill was a brave girl who came to the rescue. Eeillcue because the whole house may get burnt down without Eelli' s quick action.

         After the fire was put out, Eeill brought Woofi back home. Both of them were relieved that the fire had been put out. Woofi thanked Eeill for her help.

Written by:
Keerthiga Vickneswaran
REAL International School

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