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Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Trip to Taiping

My Trip to Taiping

I went to Taiping during the school holidays. We went to Taping by car. We stayed there for two weeks. I went with my father and my grandparents. The journey took us two hours. We stayed at my grandparents’ house.


My favourite food is Kuew Teow soup and Ban Chan Kueh. My father likes Ban Chan Kueh too. Kueh Teow Soup is my favourite because it is very delicious and the aroma is inviting. I ate two bowls of Kueh Teow in Taiping. I like Ban Chan Kueh which is a giant – looking pancake cut into triangles. It has peanuts in it. It smells like roasted peanut. It is soft and crunchy and must be eaten warm. I can eat five plates of Ban Chan Kueh in one sitting.

I went Dirt Biking, Horse Riding and visited the museum and the library. I went to Maxwell Hill but we could not go up the hill because the tickets were sold out, so we went to a waterfall named Burmese Pool. The water was as cold as ice. We had lots of fun with my father and I was as happy as a king. I went swimming in Burmese Pool.

     Then I went on a bike ride and a horse ride at Taiping Lake Gardens. I rode round the forest on a motorcycle with my father. The ride was fun and scary. It was scary because I thought I was going to fall off the bike so I clinged onto my father tightly. Initially I was scared to mount the horse but I overcame my fears and rode on the house. I had to wear headgear. The horse was named Harry. He was as calm as a cat. I enjoyed my horse riding.

       All good things will come to an end as I had to go back to Kuala Lumpur. I will visit Taiping again because it is such a wonderful and clean town.

Written by:
Reagan Ong
REAL International School

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