Adding value to create holistic independent learners.

An entity of timeless passion to add values for self, family & society.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take Charge of Your Career!

"Add Maths? Physics? Chemistry? I hate Add Maths! Why do I have to take Physics and Chemistry when I know that I don't want to be an engineer? My mum and dad says that I'm a loser, a failure if I don't go to a Science class! Is that true? What's the proof? I love to cook! I want to be the world's best cook! I And sell cooking shows and cook books all over the world! And earn millions of dollars! Do I need Add Maths and Physics for that? My parents want me to be a doctor because it's their ambition! Not mine!"

Frustrated? Why?

What are you good at? What's your talent? What's your passion?

What make you happy?

Can your career make you happy? Do you deserve happiness from your career?

How can you make a career out of your talent and passion?

Let's take a look at ourselves, shall we?


Yours sincerely,
The Learning Coach

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